07 July 2011

For your reading pleasure, two poems about the weather. It's not like I really have nothing to talk about anymore (as meteorological events are what you should be conversing about during a literary dry spell) but recent skyward pondering as left me with these blabberings.

The rain, The Rain!
How we hail it! When
we've blamed, the sun
in all it's glory. How we like it
now it's pouring!

Almost There

In half-light I am cycling home
beneath the wings
of bats
who rush through clouds so
dark they've become
Quick, the thunder's coming!


Anonymous said...

Is that comma meant to be there in the third line? And if so: why?

(Thalassa, Thallasa!)

Mixy said...

Good question; it was meant as a line break originally. Maybe it sounds a lot better in my head than it does on screen....

Anonymous said...

Make it a line break then...otherwise we just trip over this odd little comma.
But I can def. see your point in a spoken word performance

And 'half-light'? Afraid to just use Twilight because it might invoke Sparklepires?

Mixy said...

absolutely, I can no longer seriously use the word and not think of cardboard-face and all his mates.

Same goes for the words Code, Mystery and Symbol used in less than 5 stanzas removed from each other. Popular fiction ruins my ambition.

Anonymous said...

That last bit might be slightly ameliorated by reading Foucault's Pendulum and works by Borges.

But seriously, 'in half-light' seems a bit more part of 'poetic' register than the other words in the poem (problem indeed is that words such as 'dusk' and "twi-..." are even more heavy-handed). Perhaps simplify to 'in the half light'?

This is the end of the page. Luckily, there are more pages!
