30 July 2010

These are just words, and you are just a picture in my head

Friday poetry!!! And I'm adding illustrations for those who like to look at picture books rather than read. I know words can be hard.

Now I'm going to find myself a cute outfit and enjoy the summer sunshine with an Ice Cappucino and a hat.

The End, or something like it.

Look honey,

I've never said that we'd last
A long time ago the swing still worked,

the bikes not yet so rusty

I've lost my sunglasses and
too tired from looking directly into you
Let us part like the rust on my pedals

when I cycle away from here.

15 July 2010

Right. So I didn't. Come up. With a better poem.


But I have an excuse! I graduated for the second time (this time round I'm proud owner of a Dutch as a Second Language degree) and I had to house-sit for a month. Hence no writing during the last couple of weeks. I did write another library poem the other day. It's silly, nonsensical and most of all senseless. But I didn't name my Blog the way I did for no reason.

Again, this is raw material and there was no intention for it to rhyme. Damn head, why do you insist on such symmetry!?

Eternal Shelf life

I am the ghost in the library, stuck
with letters for curses and books for a chain.
I while away hours by scolding loud coughers
Loudly proclaim my disdain

In Law there are blouses that smell of Armani
The French students talk to Voltaire
The classics have noses so deep in papyrus
They don't see Philosophy stare

And I am the ghost in the library aisles
Condemned to wander these halls
I learn nothing, do nothing, clearly bone idle
Stuck here eternal in library walls

Basically dedicated to Jonathan and Lisette, still pounding away on those thesï. Poor guys....

This is the end of the page. Luckily, there are more pages!
