Today I hooked up my Mum's DVD-recorder. I spent about one and a half hours trying to make sense of the manual which they included ("They" being the unknown individuals who make it their life's intent to write and distribute instruction booklets that make no sense whatsoever, drive you mad, and eventually get you so far as to throwing the whole electrical device that you are trying to install out of the window -- even though that last action only takes place in your own little personal fantasy, the whole ordeal is frustrating enough without having to call the glass repair blokes--)
Another "They" I now heartily despise are the men and women of town hall. Last Monday I came to Hoorn on some special Liverpool DYI-Business (It's now become such a burdensome bit of affairs I decided to name it) that I had with Hoorn's municipal centre. I wanted to change my official post address away from Oegstgeest back to my home town. I thought it would be an easy bit of administrative paperwork (at the word and thought paperwork I should've known better of course). How-bloody-ever, by now I've been up and down Hoorn's and Oegstgeest's town halls twice, and next Wednesday I'm off to Oegstgeest again because the lovely tight-bunned lady at the Hoorn desk told me she couldn't help me. I'm slowly becoming a tad frustrated...
On top of all that: (1) there ain't any food starting with a C in the house (because I ate my last Chocolate Chip Cookie, which is triple the fun) and I neeeed it. More than ever. (2) My room is stacked full of boxes, 5 of which contain all my books and all 5 are on the bottom of the very heavy ready to fall over pile so I can't get to them which is sad business in itself but now I'm afraid they'll get crushed. (3) I have to pay my last bit of rent while my paycheck hasn't come through yet and my bank balance is threatening to file a suit for negligence. Finally (4) : I can't find my blowdryer anywhere and my hair is flat....
You can all help me by donating chocolate and coins in little purple ribboned baskets to be left in front of my door.