And again, it's been monthzzzzz since I last wrote anything. I must convince myself to pen down something on a regular basis seeing as I was planning to keep up blogging through my Study Exchange year in the UK. (Yes, that is indeed happening, Meerte-Bee is off to the Island of Fish 'nd Chips)
Thing is, one never can really find the time to sit down, let one's mind drift a little way into nothingness and scribble down something that resembles an entertaining read. Au contraire, most things that happen to me only seem to be able to form forced-funny, boring stories utterly deprived of any deeper meaning or profound thoughts. Take the last week. Although many things occurred during the past 7 days; namely, I read Harry Potter, my Spanish and American friends moved out of Duwo and I ate huge quantities of English Cadbury Chocolate, the summing up of these things is the best I can do. Oh, and I can add that the chocolate was melted on one side, making it look what? I suppose it looked like melted chocolate that's been in the sun for too long. (See? I can't even make simple metaphors work)
However, as I was saying, my resolution is to keep this thing regularly updated. I mean, I highly doubt that molten Cadbury is the most exciting thing that will happen to me while I'm off abroad. (God forbid I totally jinx it now and I'll be writing about brown puddles of Caramel Fudge Flavour in my Creative Poetry class....)
On a more serious note, there's still plenty of stuff to arrange before I definitely depart. (Doesn't 'depart' sound so much more ominous than just 'leave' or 'go away'?) And that means lots and lots of business to attend to. Next update? Who knows, probably just before I leave.
Oh I do have something to report, I'm learning German...Isn't that exciting?